Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Embry Carlysle is Guest Blogging Today! ^_^

Hello Everyone!! As per usual, I’m late to my own party. So please welcome Embry Carlysle to my blog. ^-^ Enjoy.

Hello everyone I’m Embry Carlysle and first let me just say how thrilled I am that Jana has me here on her blog today.
So where to start? Normally an author would post a bit of their work and maybe talk about upcoming stories they are working on. Maybe even talk about what inspired them when they created their characters. Or they might tell a little about themselves and what made them want to be a writer. Normally.
I could insert a really silly quip about how I’m not “normal”, and then hope you all get my dry sense of humor. But I’ll spare you all of that and just go with what calls to me. So here goes.
If you were to Google my name what you would find is my Goodreads profile, my Twitter and Facebook account and my Blog. What you wouldn’t find are any of my books….yet. I am ever the optimist, glass half full, waiting on Prince Charming type gal. Always have been always will be.
Crazy?  Yes.
Worth it?.. Most definitely.
So to give you a little insight to me, I thought of all the questions I would ask..Embry…if I were the one interviewing…well.. Embry….my alter ego.
There would be the standard ones, like: Did I always want to be a writer? Do I have a specific genre I like most. Did I always write romance? And so on and so on. So here is my interview of Me, I mean Embry. (Did I mention the part about me not being “normal”? (Good, just checking).
Me: Did you always want to write?
Embry: Oh yeah since the time before time. (I’ve always wanted to say that). Seriously I don’t remember a time when I didn’t want to write. But in the last few years I have worked hard to make that a reality.
Me: What genre did you find most appealing when you first became serious about writing?
Embry: Most definitely paranormal (mainstream paranormal). I literally have journals upon journals of stories I have worked on.
Me: So why haven’t you submitted any of these journals?
Embry: I might give myself a look for that snarky remark but I would still answer with a big smile on my face.
Embry: Well, you see I felt something was missing in my stories, something I could never put my finger on, until I met some amazing people who showed me a whole new world of romantic stories.
Me: Oh and what would those be?
Embry: Snarky again, but I will ignore.
Embry: Male/Male romance of course. Can I roll my eyes at my snarkiness too? No? Well damn.
Me: Care to explain?
Embry: Now I will roll my eyes, sorry can’t help myself.
Embry: Yes, a few years ago a good friend of mine suggested I give m/m a try, she had just gotten me hooked on reading them and she thought I could do it. I must admit I was very intrigued but also intimidated by it as well. For one I had no firsthand experience with writing gay romance and feared I would come off as stereotypical and cheesy. That is probably the number one reason why it’s taken me so long to submit anything. The very last thing I want to do is cheat potential readers out of a really good story by writing fluff.
Me: So what are some of the things you’ve done in your writing to try and keep that from happening?
Embry: Read, a lot. I read as much as I can from some of the most amazing writers of m/m romance. Some of whom I consider good friends now. Men and women who are beyond talented that I soak up everything I can from them. This journey I am on is not just about writing a story I can be proud of but about the people I have the honor of knowing that have helped me on my path.
Me: That’s an interesting way of looking at it. What have you learned so far?
Embry: Oh so many things. First how absolutely wonderful this community of writers and readers are. The things that I have learned and embraced will be with me always. It isn’t all about telling good stories but about the people who inspire us to write them. My true love is still paranormal and I have found that I can have my cake and eat it too by writing paranormal m/m.
Me: Any last thoughts you’d like to share?
Embry: Yes. I would like to say to anyone still reading this, thanks for taking the time to read something from someone you haven’t heard of yet,  (glass half full again). If they would like to see my style of writing they can visit my blog to read an ongoing story called Finding Will. To also learn a little about my Saving Souls Series that I hope to finish soon. I would be most honored, if you stop by.
The last thing I would like to say is thanks to all the wonderful people, such as Jana for having me here, Gabrielle Evans for allowing me to post on her blog as well, and all the wonderful and amazing authors I have met along the way who have been so gracious and helpful. Oh and my soon to be writing partner, NJ Nielsen.  
Me: Well Embry that pretty much mirrors my thoughts too. I think you’ve answered all my questions. Thanks for sharing some of yourself with me and Jana’s readers today.

So that is how an interview with Embry Carlysle and Me would go, that is if I were to interview myself.
Thanks again everyone.
Here’s to the future, it’s looking pretty good so far…Or like my grandpa used to say: see ya in the funny papers, absolutely no clue what that meant, but he was a cool person so had to share..


  1. So now I find out that not only are you a stalker but you are a tad crazy to boot - No wonder we get on so well.

  2. First I found out you are a stalker and now I find out you are a tad crazy - no wonder we are best friends. Remember whatever path you choose in life I will be their beside you.

  3. Likewise my friend likewise....two peas, same dysfunctional pod that's us :)

  4. Damn straight - and slightly bent... LOL. when we get around to do what we are it will be Fan-bloody-tastic.

  5. You got that get to work woman......

    Jana~~Thanks so much for letting us play today....

  6. I am enjoying watching y'all play. So go right ahead. lol ^-6

  7. you have no idea what you just set yourself up for Jana lol....NJ and I can get a bit carried away when given the chance

    1. I don't know what you are talking about - I am nice I tells ya... yeah that is my story and I am sticking to it.

  8. hahahahaha....sorry...cant...stop....laughing......hahahaha
